Reflecting on March 2022

Zai Builds
3 min readApr 9, 2022
Me on the verge of tears in Brixton Studio

I was debating over whether or not I should use the cover picture for this particular blog but I felt that it appropriately summarised what March entailed.

For some odd reason, March 2022 genuinely felt like one of the longest months of my entire life. Maybe because it was during March that I discovered going out and consequently had a lot of epiphanies about my personality, who I am, the type of woman I am and the things I can and cannot tolerate in the context of a romantic relationship as well as outside of that particular realm.

During March I decided to leave my quote unquote dating comfort zone and dip my toes in some new waters. Typically; I don’t date outside of my type; which is not the most specific niche of men on the planet but niche enough that I have to discount a relatively wide pool that exist outside of that niche.

I didn’t view this as an experiment but merely a period for me to explore given the fact that a lot of people date outside of their usual type and find love. I didn’t expect this to be the case for me personally because I tend to go into romantic situations with no expectations so I don’t subconsciously attempt to mould them but irregardless I was intrigued and went ahead with this.

To summarise; I did NOT end up finding love which is not surprising at all given the fact that I have my 7th house in Aquarius and my numerology chart hints at the fact that I won’t find love until my late 20s, if not 30s.

This is something I am perfectly fine with because I personally don’t see the point in being in a long-term commitment until I am ready for marriage and children. Which I will not be until I am on 100K base salary and I have been to Miami.


My brief situationship put my mental health in a blender but thankfully I decided to be brave, mature and dignified by ending things in person and making clear that I had no ill wishes nor resentment towards the man involved.

This is surprisingly true despite the fact that generally I struggle to forgive or forget people.

I also think Ramadan being the day after I locked things off made things seem all the more appropriate.

Outside of my shambles of a love life; I’ve reflected over what is coming up to a year within my tech career and I am happy and proud of what I have achieved thus far, my trajectory has been impressive and I think things will only get better the more experience I have and the more time goes on.

In regards to my personal development; I think I’ve finally learned how to assert boundaries and stick to them, which has been a massive breakthrough that I am happy and grateful for.

Alongside the boundaries lesson I’ve finally learnt what it entails to truly be able to let go and let things play out as they are supposed to; another big breakthrough because I tend to overthink the future a lot plus stress in the present.

I think I’ve learned patience and what it truly means to extend grace to others as well.

Plus learnt my worth a bit more because of an Uber driver I ended up talking to on my way back from the motive.

All in all, tiring but needed month, April is feeling like a filler episode thus far.

Catch you on the next one.

Zai 💋

Me being beautiful in March

