Week 1 of Love Circular: An overview

Zai Builds
1 min readMar 7, 2021

So it begins.

Week 1 of Love Circular has been good so far. I’m pleasantly surprised at how digestible the content is. As someone coming from a design background as opposed to a research one, I’m enjoying learning about user research a lot. I’m not a fan of reading like I used to be when I was younger (and had more free time) but in the past week I’ve read more than I have in months.

Alongside this, I do feel as though I’m actually absorbing the information I’m reading as opposed to reading articles and not retaining any information. The other day I was showering and thinking about moderated vs unmoderated user testing and the respective pros and cons of both 😂.

The community aspect of the course is also something I’m enjoying a lot. I’m still an introvert, but my cohort seems cool 😁.

Overall, I’m happy with the course thus far. The content and resources provided are engaging and the workload is not so heavy that I feel like I’m overwhelmed (I’m currently a university student) but not so light that I wonder if I wasted my money.

I’ll update again next week 🚀.

